A goat-leather Diploma, a Trophy and a 50,000 euro award together constitute the Janus Pannonius Grand Prize for Poetry.
The custom-designed hand-made goat leather diploma displays the laureate’s name, together with the year it was awarded. The document is authenticated by the signature of the President of the Jury, which is then followed by the names of the Jury members and the seal of the Hungarian PEN Club. Of the two copies of the diploma, one goes to the laureate of the award, while the other is placed in the archives of the Janus Pannonius Foundation for safekeeping.
The Trophy accompanies the goat-leather diploma and displays the name of the laureate of the award. With its 43cm height, the statue embodies the spirit of the award and was made by potter Viktor Erdei using the high eosin Zsolnay technique.
The Janus Pannonius Grand Prize for Poetry also comes with a 50,000 euro award. The Foundation covers the travel and the accommodation expenses of the laureate participating at the Award ceremony.
Available in bronze, silver and gold, the coins are given to the Sponsors of the Foundation, and correspond to 50 euros, 500 euros and 5000 euros, respectively.
In addition to the Grand Prize, two translation prizes are distributed every year, each with the award of 3,000 euros. One goes to honour the outstanding achievement of a translator from Hungarian into another language, the other of a translator into Hungarian.